Advanced Child Care visits Antioch Lower Grade
Mrs. Tielke's Advanced Child Care students visited Antioch Lower Grade School to get first hand experience on elementary education on Tuesday, January 30. Students were assigned to different teachers as a teacher's aid to observe what the teacher and kids do. There is a total of 21 students involved that will go to the Antioch Lower Grade School to lend a helping hand to their assigned teachers. They will go on Tuesdays and Thursdays until March 1. Their next assignment will be preschool children. Choir hosts Madrigal Dinner in February The Antioch Community High School Madrigal Ensemble, along with other school choirs, surprised audiences this year by moving their 11th Annual Madrigal Dinner from December to early February. The dinner, which took place in the school cafeteria on Saturday, Feb.
3 and Sunday, Feb. 4, was moved becaus The Madrigal Dinner is a performance by the choir to recreate a feast during the Renaissance. The Madrigal Ensemble act as nobles that sit at head table with two selected as a King and Queen to be seated in the middle. Each performance is complete with jesters, jugglers, magicians, tumblers, weapons and more. The dinner has traditionally been a Christmas celebration in December,
but this year it was held for the first time in February. Cox said that
this was a positive change that brought on a bigger challenge. Cox indicated
that although it was definitely harder for them, and a number of students
were concerned about the change in tradition, most seem to be happy, because
they were trying something new that brought new challenges to the learning
process. Finesse now accepting student work The ACHS literary magazine staff is looking for original poetry, prose, songs, plays, cartoons, stories, essays, and artwork by students to include in this year's magazine. The magazine will also come with an audio CD to include many different kinds of music and even spoken poetry. Any type of work is accepted, but the staff is especially hoping to include more humor this year. Submission forms can be picked up from any English classroom and returned to the submission boxes in the same locations. The Finesse staff asks that no person submit more than ten
pieces. Please use only one form for all pieces submitted. All submissions
need to be turned in by early March. ACHS Boys Volleyball Preseason Training Every Week Team Tryouts Freshmen Through Seniors Monday March 5th through Friday March 9th If
you have any questions, contact Heather |